Wednesday, March 10, 2010

For the Love of Chickens Pt.2

After making a move back to our roots, we purchased yet another fixer upper. This time though, we had a much smaller home than our Wisconsin farm house. And instead of 80 acres, we had just 1 acre. It was quite a change. But we chose this home primarily for its location. It was centrally located for hub's job, our daughter's future college as well close to friends and family. The home belonged to my grandmother who had recently passed away. And since the family needed to sell it and we needed a home, it seemed like the perfect solution.

So after some MORE blood, sweat and tears............and some help from some family and friends.......we turned this....

(In case you're wondering....hubs is in the construction business!)

In 2008, we had the opportunity to purchase 8 acres of land that connects to ours.

This made my farm boy hubby very happy!
What will we do with all that land?

The first thing we did was plant a garden......
And the second thing we did was buy some chickens!

Aren't they cute....little Auracaunas

Some more chickies....that handsome guy in the middle turned out to be a Polish Crested rooster!

Hubby built a nifty chicken house for them. It was portable. So we could move it around the yard as needed. They could destroy the grass in a day, making it necessary to keep their house on wheels, on the move.

This is the upstairs roosting area...there is a set of steps for the girls to get up and down as well as a "lid" for the hole to lock them safely in at night, keeping them safe from preditors.

As the girls out grew this house, Hubs built yet another chicken house. This time, he built them a house up on the hill and fenced in a HUGE yard for them to roam around and dig and scratch and eat EVERYTHING! This made them veeeerrrrry HAPPY!

This is our little Homestead today.
We enjoy the extra land for gardening, taking long walks with the dog, watching wildlife and especially raising chickens!
So now you know the rest of the story!

To find out more about our simple life, and living on the land, feel free to view our family's blog .

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